Elliot, Georgia, Phil Tom and John.
It all started with this group 10 years ago.
Elliot, Georgia, Phil, Tom and John.
I invited students to send their details as to what they are doing now. Below is a selection from the students.

Tom O’Neill. Hi John, I’m currently a recruiter working for one of the largest worldwide digital advertising companies globally.

Champion Golfer.
Phillip Hall, I hope you are well and a big congratulations on 10 years! Even if that does make me feel very old! I am now working as a university lecturer at university centre Myerscough part of UCLAN. I teach sports psychology as well as other sport management topics. Alongside this I play an active role on the research team and currently have 3 published journal articles. As well as an industry standard report for the R&A. This was sent out to 10,000’s of golf clubs around the world.

Molly White, But you know me John, everything healthcare based I have done! End of life, and after death care, I’ve worked with the elderly, physical disabilities and mental disabilities, signed off for OTC meds administration, catheter and stoma care, use of all supporting medical equipment, wound dressing and disinfecting, PEG feeding, case assessment, medication administration, I’ve given induction training to new employees, audit preparation with care plans and risk assessments, I’ve been self employed. I have done community and agency work, worked for a private trust. You name it I’ve probably done it! thanks John.
Georgia Elliot. Hi hope your well! I’d love to go to the graduation, but I’m actually expecting a little girl around the 2nd of June. When leaving The O’Brien International College I spent two years travelling around South East Asia. I then returned home and worked as an English teacher in a local academy. Last summer I went traveling around Spain and now I’m back currently teaching English again. Hope everything goes really well and congratulations on the 10 year mark! Can’t believe it’s been that long next time I’ll come and visit!
Anna Karen Hi! Thanks for reaching out. Thats Brilliant, 10 years. I work at a real estate office as a service and after sales manager. Best regards -Anna

Moratalla Investigation.
Patrick Bass. Hi John how are you? I’ve just bought my first place in Darwen, Blackburn, after living a few years in Manchester. I work in corporate finance. I’ve been there for 6 years now working my way up, I started in sales and then became part of transaction team that advises clients who are selling their business.

Nyah Callie Belmon, I would just like you to know, that thanks to yourself and the staff at the time of me being a student, I am where I am now. And I am so grateful for everything, I may not have been the easiest student due to my attitude at the time, but I soon realised how important my education was thanks to you all opening my eyes

Geography Field Trip.
Alfie Powell. Hi John, 10 years, wow, that has flown past, hope all is going well. I am currently still living here in Spain and I have my own business in pools and gardening. I also am a football coach during the evenings. I have passed my basic exams in coaching, and I am now studying advance levels revolving around the tactical and psychological side of football.

Adelina Novoa. Hi John, I’m the Social Science course representative at the university of Brighton just finishing my second year, getting 70per cent + grades whilst working 2 jobs and volunteering at a cancer support center every week just finished choosing my dissertation topic and waiting to be assigned a dissertation tutor.
Kelsey Neilly, I’m a nurse in the Glasgow Royal infirmary , and I’m going on to study paramedic science.

Madeline Williams. Hi John, hope you’re all well! the new school looks great very happy for you all! i’m coming to the end of my degree now, 1 assignment left and my graduation is in July and then i have to face the adult world hahaha! which is crazy because it feels like yesterdsy we was all just sat in sociology! the obrien centre was a massive part of my life in spain and i really had the best memories with everyone there! I am finishing International Relations at the university of Portsmouth! ahhh I know, so so bitter sweet but an exciting venture! It would be lovely to see you all x
Colton Rogan. I’m back in Newcastle studying Health and Social Care.

Tia Bacon, Hi John!!!!! Hope all is well. Well I’m in my second year of university (UCAM) doing really well. In my second term of second year I haven’t received lower than a 70%. Working weekends at a restaurant to earn some money to pay bills . Absolutely loving the experience. Don’t want it to end, wish I could stay in uni the rest of my life .

Ellie Warren. I Would like to start by thanking John and the other members of staff that got me through my GCSE’s and A Levels. I don’t believe I would’ve ever achieved A’s and A*s without the help of the one to one attention I was given by the school. As for where I am now, Im going on to study Law at Northumbria university in Newcastle. My main word of advice would be listen to the teachers! I begun studying at the academy thinking I knew everything but I was proved very wrong. After you get over the idea that you’re not Albert Einstein you’ll do great! Put trust in your teachers and work to your best ability it all pays off in the end. I wish future students the best of luck. Lastly, study!

Alexa Morgan I attended The O’Brien International School and College from 2020 to 2021, during that time I thought very little of myself and my own capabilities, in that I believed whole heartedly that education did not matter and that my friends, out-with school relationships, reputation and the party scene mattered more than passing any classes and submitting work on time. With that being said, I somehow managed to pass my exams with the help of John and the other teachers. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today without their support and guidance. I, along with some, if not most of you, believed that Johns research classes were (for lack of better words) boring, a waste of time and I generally tried everything in my power to avoid completing his assignments. I felt as though it wasn’t an AQA required subject, so why should I waste my time participating when I could be doing other things.
Since leaving the school/college I have been accepted to University to study social work. Upon applying to the course, I discovered one of two things. Firstly that Universities and Colleges expect you to write a Personal Statement before even considering you for a course, within said statement you will have to detail who you are and what you believe you can bring to the University. Along with this section of your statement you must also complete a RESEARCH section… Where you are asked to look into a topic of their choice, research it, and be able to reference correctly in whatever format they choose.
The second thing I learned was that once you have been accepted to your chosen course, the research does not end there. It continues throughout the entirety of your qualification or degree and Is used to determine your abilities to gather information, write about your findings, reference correctly, which books or websites you found the information you used to complete your assignments and to showcase your information in the correct format and essay or report style of your Universities choosing.
Your College or University lecturers will not tolerate content that has not been referenced properly, so If I could give any of you advice, It would be to get a grasp of research sooner rather than later, or like me you will struggle greatly when It comes to furthering your education because you simply believed it did not matter. I’m sure many of you will be listening to this and thinking I’m some sort of teachers pet or know it all, trying to make you do extra work, but I can assure you that two years ago, I was you. Please think hard about the choices you make now, as they will affect the rest of your lives. I hope that each and every one of you go on to achieve great things in the future with the help of John and the staff at The O’Briens International School, as they are here to support and guide you into adulthood and towards your chosen careers. They’ve lived through it, so when they’re offering you advice, Listen, as it just might change your life.

Lorna Bartlett. I’d love to be able to join on the 2nd of June but I’m on a late standby for work! I am very proud to have been part of your school and congratulations on 10 years running.
I left Spain again to join Easyjet as Cabin Crew, I currently have my eyes set on Cabin Manager when the role opens again and would love to be a representative for the Union. I know being cabin crew doesn’t require a university degree but the training is intense and the different situations and diverse customers we have to deal with can be very challenging. If anyone ever wanted an insight or help in applying for this role I’d be more than happy to receive messages.

Leah Bartlett. Hi John! I’m very glad to hear everything is going well and the school is celebrating its tenth year. After leaving the center, I started to work for my fathers business and I took over the business recently at the age of nineteen. I was never a fan of business in GCSE and didn’t take the exam. However, by just sitting through the classes and taking my gcse’s, it has helped me out on a number of occasions in the business world. I will not be able to attend the graduation unfortunately, but for all the students who will be graduating and deciding on their next steps, just a little advice. The working world is very difficult and not “the easy way out”, it not as simple as some may think. Your priorities change and your suddenly a grown-up making grown-up decisions. I do often look back at when I was studying and think how easy I actually had it. I wouldn’t change the decision that I made and where I am now with how much I have achieved, beyond what I thought I was capable of. I’ve always been bossy, so maybe this job was exactly what I was meant to do. Good luck to everyone and I hope the centre keeps doing well!

Lucy Kerrie Conway. Hi John Well today is my last of classes for my second year at university taking a Criminology degree. So far so good, I am enjoying the uni life soo much. For the next two weeks my head will be in books as I’m taking my final exams, so wish me luck

Hi I’m Jess Coates. I went to The O’Brien International School and graduated in June 2022. Since then I moved to the UK by myself at the age of 16 to join the army I went to a military college when I moved over.
I then proceeded to pass my assessment in the November and have since joined the army in March and I have pledged my allegiance to the King and his heirs as well as have already completed 10 weeks of training and only having 2 months and 24 days left until I officially pass out and move on to my phase 2 where I can officially say I am a fully trained soldier for the British Army.

Jacob Smith. Hi John, hope you are well. I am currently still in Spain working as an estate agent but I am soon off in September to go travelling around South East Asia.

Yelke Huysmans. Hi John good morning Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary, where did that time go? I am still in UK in Southend on Sea, I am mostly with my little one and do some translation work here and there because it is flexible. I am looking at starting work again fingers crossed very soon

Dale Horsfall. Well, it’s been a year since I finished university and I’m pursuing graduate roles in many disciplines with the main focus being digital media and film. I’ve been working more recently managing the social media of a 6-figure business helping them turn engagement into direct sales. I am also getting married next year which is incredibly exciting.

Morgan O’Toole. Hi John, well I am getting married next week and I’m currently self employed. I mostly work providing a translation service, wills, nies, ties etc. anything to do with the Spanish legal system. My partner has his own business in Quesada and I am based there.